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Dear Customer:

Based on articles 15 and 16 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, we inform you that Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna), with address at calle 53 #547 between 70 and 72 , is responsible for collecting your personal data, the use given to it and its protection. Therefore we inform you of the following:

1. Content of Personal Data. In accordance with the Law, “Personal Data” is understood to be any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person. For the purposes of this Privacy Notice, but not limited to, “Personal Data” will be understood as: Name(s) and surname, Federal Taxpayer Registry, Unique Population Registry Code, date of birth, sex, marital status , existence or not of children, address, landline phone (home or office), cell phone, email, among other similar data concerning a person.

2. Processing of Personal Data. In accordance with the provisions of the Law, the processing of Personal Data (“Personal Data Processing”) is considered to be the obtaining, use, disclosure or storage of Personal Data, by any means. Use covers any action of access, handling, use, transfer or disposal of Personal Data. The Processing of Personal Data by Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) will be limited to compliance with the Processing Purposes provided for in this Privacy Notice and will be subject to the following:

In the event that your Personal Data is intended to be processed for a purpose other than the purposes of this Privacy Notice, Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) will require obtaining your consent for this purpose, again.

It will be what is necessary, appropriate and relevant for the purposes described in this Privacy Notice.

4. Purposes of the processing of Personal Data. Through this Privacy Notice, Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) declares that your personal information will be used for the following purposes: to provide the services and products you have requested such as accommodation services, reservations, memberships or any ; another  loyalty and any  another transaction related to the provision of lodging, tourist and commercial services in general; notification about new services or products that are related to those already contracted or acquired; communicate to you about changes in them; develop studies and programs that are necessary to determine consumption habits; carry out periodic evaluations of our products and services in order to improve their quality; evaluate the quality of the service we provide, and in general, to comply with the obligations we have contracted with you. Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) may share or transmit information with third parties so that they can send you information about their products and services in general.

5. Acceptance of the processing of Personal Data. In order for Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) to carry out the Processing of Personal Data, our clients and/or holders of Personal Data must grant us express or tacit acceptance for said processing, which will be carried out by any of the following means:

5.1. Acceptance through electronic means

a) Publication on the Internet pages of Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna). In addition to making the Privacy Notice known by email, Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) will publish this Privacy Notice on the Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) websites, in order to that, once you become aware of its content, you grant or deny your consent so that Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) can carry out the Processing of your Personal Data. This will also apply in the event that, for any reason, Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) does not have your email address or when your Personal Data is incorrect or out of use and does not allow us to locate you.

b) Email. Based on the information that you provide or have provided to us, Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) will send this Privacy Notice by email, so that, once you have learned of its content , grant us or deny your consent so that Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) can carry out the Processing of your Personal Data.

5.2. Personal acceptance. When the Personal Data is obtained personally from the owner, Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) will make this Privacy Notice available to you at the time your Personal Data is collected through the formats that Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) uses or will use for such purposes. Furthermore, through these formats, Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) will obtain the acceptance or denial of the consent of the owner to submit said data to the Processing Purposes established in this Privacy Notice.

5.3. Tacit acceptance. Based on the provisions of article 35 of the Law, the content of this Privacy Notice, as well as any modification or addition to it, will be made known to you by any of the means established in sections 5.1 and 5.2 above, and if you do not express opposition to the content and scope thereof within a period of 2 (two) months, counted from the date on which Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) informs you about the Notice of Privacy or its modifications, it will be understood that you grant your tacit consent for Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) to process your Personal Data based on the Processing Purposes established in the Privacy Notice.

5.4. Retroactive acceptance. For all our clients who, on dates prior to the notification or publication of this Privacy Notice, have provided us with their Personal Data, either by filling out the different forms or by any other form or means, the Privacy Notice will be made known to them. Privacy in accordance with the provisions of sections 5.1  and 5.2  above, in order for you to grant or deny your consent (express or tacit) so that Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) may or may not continue to carry out the Processing of your Personal Data based on the Purposes of the Treatment established in the Privacy Notice.

6. Limitation of the use or disclosure of your Personal Data.

6.1. Actions to prevent unauthorized use or disclosure.  In order to guarantee the protection of your Personal Data and limit unauthorized use or disclosure thereof, Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) continually carries out and will carry out the following actions:

a) Confidentiality of the information. Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) will maintain confidentiality regarding your Personal Data collected; same that will subsist even after ending its commercial or other relationships with the client or owner of said Personal Data.

b) Confidentiality notification. In the event that, for any reason, Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) finds it necessary to provide your Personal Data to third parties (in the terms provided in the Law or in this Privacy Notice), it will notify said parties. third parties the obligation to comply with the provisions of the Law and the confidentiality of your Personal Data.

c) Database administration. Personal Data is managed and protected through the use of databases (“Database”), which are managed only by the people designated by Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) for this purpose, without allow its use, consultation, management or access to unauthorized persons.

6.2. Requests to Limit Use or Disclosure. In case you wish to limit the use or disclosure of your Personal Data, in relation to one or more of the Purposes of the Processing of Personal Data (such as, for example, advertising emails, offers, transmitting information to third parties, among others), You may send the respective request in accordance with the procedure established in section 7 of this Privacy Notice, or by accessing the links that are loaded or will be loaded on the Internet pages of Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) or in the promotional information that we send you.

7. Rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition. It is important to inform you that you have the right to access, rectify and cancel your personal data, to oppose their processing or to revoke the consent that you have given us for this purpose. To do this, it is necessary that you send the request in the terms established by the Law in its Article 29 as well as those indicated in this Privacy Notice to the Department of Personal Data Protection.

7.1. Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) in charge of the custody of Personal Data (“Personal Data Protection Department”), will process your requests and promote the protection of Personal Data. For the above, it makes available to you the following forms of contact and receipt of related information and documentation:


b) Attention: Protection of Personal Data.

7.2. Request for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition. As the owner of Personal Data, You may present or send a request for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition, regarding your Personal Data. Said request must contain, at least:

a) Full name and address of the owner of the Personal Data, or other means to communicate the response to your request.

b) Documents that prove the identity or legal representation of the owner of the Personal Data.

c) Clear and precise description of the Personal Data with respect to which one seeks to exercise any of the aforementioned rights.

d) Any other element or document that facilitates the location of Personal Data.

e) Indicate the modifications to be made and/or the limitations on the use of Personal Data, in accordance with the provisions of section 6.2 of this Privacy Notice.

f) Provide the documentation that supports your request.

7.3. Resolution and communication. Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) will inform the owner of the Personal Data of the determination made, within a period of no more than 20 business days from the date the request was received. This period may be extended by Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) on a single occasion for an equal period, as long as the circumstances of the case justify it.

Based on the above and in accordance with the provisions of the Law, Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) will inform the owner of the Personal Data of the meaning and motivation of the resolution, by the same means by which it was carried out. carry out the request and will accompany said resolution with the relevant evidence, if applicable. When the request is appropriate, it will be made effective by Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) within 15 business days following communication of the resolution adopted.

The owner may submit a data protection request to the Federal Institute of Access to Information (IFAI) for the response received or lack of response from Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna). Said request must be submitted by the owner within 15 business days following the date on which the response is communicated to the owner by Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) and will be subject to the provisions of the Law.

In the case of requests for access to Personal Data, it will be necessary for the applicant or their legal representative to previously prove their identity. The obligation to access information will be fulfilled when Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) makes the Personal Data available to the owner or by issuing simple copies or electronic documents.

In the event that a person requests Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) for access to their Personal Data assuming that it is responsible and it turns out that it is not, it will be enough for Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV ( Hotel Zamna) so indicate to the owner by any means (of those established in this section), to have the request resolved.

The response to your request for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition of Personal Data will be free of charge. You will only have to cover the justified shipping costs or the cost of reproduction in copies or other formats, which, at the time, Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) will let you know.

In the event that the same person repeats the request for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition of Personal Data in a period of less than 12 months from the date of the last request, the response to your request may have an additional cost that point out Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna), in accordance with the provisions of article 35 of the Law.

7.4. Refusal to access Personal Data. Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) may deny total or partial access to Personal Data or the rectification, cancellation or opposition to the processing thereof, in the following cases:

a) When the applicant is not the owner or the legal representative is not accredited to do so.

b) When the Personal Data of the applicant is not found in the Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) Database.

c) When the rights of a third party are violated.

d) When there is a legal impediment or resolution of an authority.

e) When the rectification, cancellation or opposition has been previously made, so that the request lacks substance.

7.5. Consequences of cancellation. The cancellation of Personal Data will give rise to a blocking period after which Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) will proceed to delete the corresponding data. Once the corresponding Personal Data has been cancelled, Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) will notify its owner.

Once the above is done, Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) may retain the Personal Data exclusively for the purposes of the responsibilities derived from the treatment referred to in the Privacy Notice.

When the Personal Data has been transmitted to third parties before rectification or cancellation and is processed by said third parties, Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) must inform them of the request presented by the owner, so that they can proceed to carry out such rectifications or cancellations.

Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) will not be obliged to cancel your Personal Data when it comes to the cases established in article 26 of the Law.

Likewise, when the information collected in the Personal Data is no longer necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes provided for in this Privacy Notice and in the applicable legal provisions, your Personal Data will be canceled from the Databases of Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna).

8. Changes to the Privacy Notice. Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) reserves the right to make, at any time, modifications or updates to this Privacy Notice, to address legislative or jurisprudential developments, internal policies, new requirements for the provision or offering. of its products and services, or by commercial practices.

Therefore, in the event that Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) modifies the content of this Privacy Notice, it will inform you through any of the forms and means established in section 5 of this Notice.

9. Transfer of Personal Data. In the event that Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) transfers your Personal Data to one of its suppliers in order to carry out the Processing Purposes established in this Privacy Notice, it will do so after holding confidentiality agreements and, as long as (i) the provider or person to whom it is transmitted agrees to submit the processing of Personal Data to this Privacy Notice, and (ii) it does not involve any of the assumptions established in the article. 37 of the Law.

If you do not express your opposition to your Personal Data being transferred to third parties, it will be understood that you have given Hardesty Corporation S de RL de CV (Hotel Zamna) your consent to do so.


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Get out and discover the vibrant culture of Mérida, one of the most charming and historic colonial cities in Mexico. Our boutique suites are the ultimate sanctuary for travelers seeking a luxury getaway in the heart of the Yucatan Peninsula.


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